My Cup Is Full, 2023, Oil on Wood, 18” x 20”
It Started With One, 2023, Oil on Wood, 30” x 48”
Too Young, 2023, Oil on Wood, 24” x 48”
The Smell Of The Tar, 2023, Oil on Wood, 24” x 48”
We All Lived Together, 2023, Oil on Wood, 18" x 24"
9 Days Apart, 2022, Oil on Wood, 24" x 24"
Fetal Position, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 72” x 36”
To My Best Friend, Oil on Wood Panel, 12” x 10”
Floating, 2021, Sand, Modelling Paste, Acrylic Paint, Spray Paint and Pouring Medium on Canvas, and Oil on Wood, 46" x 48"